SDS Spray Dryers
High Quality and Performance
Without The High Price
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SDS spray dryers are almost always lower in price than our competition.  Sometimes the difference is significant.  This may lead some to believe SDS offers inferior technology, or inferior quality equipment.  Neither is true.

Here's why our price is almost always lower:

  • We enjoy much lower overhead costs.  We are a smaller company than our competitors, we focus only on spray drying technology, and we limit our market primarily to locations in the United States.  Therefore, we do not require the same high profit margins as our competition in order to support thousands of employees worldwide, and multiple product lines.

  • We have no sales representatives, and therefore no commissions to pay.  These commissions automatically add to our competition’s selling price.

  • Our competitors are based in Europe, and produce many of their spray dryers and parts there.  In 2002, the US Dollar and the Euro were roughly equal in value. The cost of the Euro is now roughly 30-40% higher, and this adds significantly to their price.

Please visit our Contact Us page for our Questionnaire, Spray Dryer Experience List, and Customer List.  We would also be happy to provide a Customer Reference list on request.




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